
Writing a Script in Python

So far, we have covered the main programming structures used in Python. We will now put that together in a script which can be run on demand.

Using Spyder which is part of the Anaconda suite

Spyder is an application where you can edit and run your Python scripts. As part of Anaconda, there are a large number of scientific packages which come pre-installed, to make it easier for scientists getting started in programming.

  1. Open Anaconda Navigator and launch Spyder.

We will run through a brief overview of the panels:

  1. Left panel: Editor
    • this is a special type of editor which understands python
    • as you type, possible options may appear to assist you
    • key words are highlighted to help readability and understanding
  2. Top Right panel: Help
    • Variable explorer: as a program runs, variables are loaded here with their values
    • File explorer: list of files in the current working directory
    • Help: documentation and tutorials
  3. Bottom Right panel: Console
    • Python console: standard python command-line (like typing python in a terminal window)
    • IPython console: interactive python (like Jupyter cells)

Organizing your code to run as a script

In Spyder, a new file is created when you first open the application. This is called

  1. Create a new project under Projects -> New Project in your required directory
  2. Save the temp file to
  3. Type the following (the HelloWorld mantra):
print("Hello World")
  1. Click on the green arrow in the top toolbar. A popup window may appear which allows you to change a few things. Accept the defaults and click OK
  2. Have a look in the IPython console window and you should see the output similar to:
    runfile('D:/Projects/Python-tutorial/examples/', wdir='D:/Projects/Python-tutorial/examples')
    Hello World


Recall that it is useful to group code into methods so replace the code with:

def hello():
    """Print "Hello World" and return None"""
    print("Hello World")

# main program starts here
  1. Run again as before and the same output will appear in the console window.
  2. As we have run the output in the IPython console window and we have defined a method called hello(), what will happen if we just type hello() in the console?


We will now use a library as we did in previous lessons. Take note of the order.

  1. The import statement goes at the top
  2. The methods should come next but should be before the instructions (main body)
  3. The instructions for running the methods go at the end

try this example:

import math

def hello():
    """Print "Hello World" and return None"""
    print("Hello World")

def get_pi():
    """Get value of pi"""
    return math.pi

# main program starts here
print('pi is', get_pi())

After running this script, you can type help(math) in the IPython console - just as we did in Jupyter but it has to be loaded with import math first


Before we move on, there is an extra line recommended when running the script from outside this environment:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Insert this line above hello() then indent the following code:

# main program starts here
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('pi is', get_pi())

This allows us to run from a terminal window: python

Flexible code - running with arguments

So how would we make this script more dynamic?

We will change the hello() method to take a variable name.

def hello(name):
  """Print "Hello " and a name and return None"""
  print("Hello", name)



After running the script, in the IPython console, type hello("Napoleon") or any other name


Change the call function to loop over a few names (your first spamming script!).

External Arguments

But these are still variables defined in the script, how do we pass variables in from the command line? There is a library called sys which allows your script to read from the system in which it is running. Variables passed in are called arguments and are strings which are stored in a list called sys.argv

In a new script called, type:

import sys
# main program starts here
if __name__ == '__main__':
  program = sys.argv[0]
  print("Program running is:", program)

Only one argument is present and that is the name of the program which is running - this will always be the case. We will now include two extra arguments so add some extra lines to the code:

import sys
# main program starts here
if __name__ == '__main__':
    program = sys.argv[0]
    print("Program running is:", program)
    #Now check for extra arguments
    if (len(sys.argv) == 3):
        argument1 = sys.argv[1]
        argument2 = sys.argv[2]
        print("Arguments:", argument1, argument2)
  1. In Spyder, we can add the extra arguments by:
    1. Run -> Configure
    2. Check Command line options then enter “hello world” in the text field
    3. Click on OK
  2. OR you can run directly from the terminal window as python hello world
  3. Now run the script and you will see the arguments have been passed into your script.


Return to your script and allow the name to be entered as an argument

import sys
import re

def hello(name):
  """Print "Hello " and a name and return None"""
  print("Hello", name)

def valid(name):
    '''Only words with characters, underscores or hyphens are valid'''
    # Provide a validity check to ensure bad stuff is not passed in
    # Introducing a new library called `re`
    match = re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+$', name)
    if (match):
        isvalid = True
        isvalid = False
    return isvalid

# main program starts here
if __name__ == '__main__':
    randomname = None           #ensure that this variable is clean to start
    if (len(sys.argv) > 1):     #test whether any arguments have been passed in
        randomname = sys.argv[1]
    # Check that name is a valid string
    if (randomname is not None and valid(randomname)):
        print("No name passed in")

WARNING!! Allowing information to be passed into your script this way can be DANGEROUS. The argv array should never be read directly without checking the validity of the contents first.

ArgParse: Safe use of external arguments

To help you with checking that nothing malicious is passed into your script, use a library called argparse. The argparse module makes it easy to write user-friendly command-line interfaces. The program defines what arguments it requires, and argparse will figure out how to parse those out of sys.argv. The argparse module also automatically generates help and usage messages and issues errors when users give the program invalid arguments.

We will update the previous script:

import argparse
import re

def hello(name):
  """Print "Hello " and a name and return None"""
  print("Hello", name)

def valid(name):
    '''Only words with characters, underscores or hyphens are valid'''
    # Provide a validity check to ensure bad stuff is not passed in
    # Introducing a new library called `re`
    match = re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+$', name)
    if (match):
        isvalid = True
        isvalid = False
    return isvalid

# main program starts here
if __name__ == '__main__':
    #Setup the argument parser class
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='Hello program',
            Reads a name and says hello

    #We use the optional switch -- otherwise it is mandatory
    parser.add_argument('--randomname', action='store', help='A name', default="Josephine")
    #Run the argument parser
    args = parser.parse_args()
    #Extract our value or default
    randomname = args.randomname

    # Check that name is a valid string
    if (randomname is not None and valid(randomname)):
        print("No name passed in")

  1. As before, use the Run -> Configure to add Command-line options --randomname Napoleon, ‘OK’
  2. Now Run

We will now move onto the next lesson Handling errors