An introductory NEURON tutorial for neuroscientists

A synaptic model

In this lesson, we will be stimulating our neuron with a synaptic input instead of current injection. There are two types of synaptic input available in NEURON:

  1. AlphaSynapse : represents a single conductance transient of a particular peak amplitude that starts at a fixed time. It is not meant to connect neurons but to simulate the impact of a synaptic type of stimulus.
  2. ExpSyn and Exp2Syn : represent event-driven conductance-changing weighted mechanisms (with single or double decay rate constants, respectively). They will not activate unless triggered by a Network Connection object (NetCon) where the amplitude is controlled by the NetCon weight but the time course and reversal potential is controlled by the ExpSyn or Exp2Syn. (This will be covered in the next lesson)

In NEURON, these are managed as Point Process stimuli but unlike the IClamp stimulus which is a square wave, synaptic input is modeled with an alpha function which reaches max conductance after an exponential rise.


(Phase Response Curves in Neuroscience - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/278702575_fig10_Figure-2-2-Alpha-function-current-stimuli-plotted-with-different-time-constants-and-the [accessed 20 Jul, 2017])

Part A: Using CellBuilder

  1. Firstly, we will add an AlphaSynapse to our Ball and Stick cell created in the first lesson.
  2. Launch a fresh version of NEURON via nrngui
  3. Load up the “Ball and Stick cell” from the file bs_cell.ses
  4. In the CellBuilder window, click on the Continuous Create button
  5. From the Main Menu window, select Tools -> Point Processes -> Managers -> Point Manager
  6. In the PointProcessManager window, click on SelectPointProcess, then select AlphaSynapse
  7. By default, the point process is placed on the soma. To change this click on Show then Shape
  8. Click at the other end of the line which places the synapse at the end of the dendrite. You should see:
at: dend[1]


Click on Show then Parameters which shows the panel for control of the AlphaSynapse which has four parameters:

Parameter Description Value Units
onset The time before the change in postsynaptic conductance begins 0 ms
tau The time to peak of the conductance change 0.1 ms
gmax The peak conductance change 10 µS
e The reversal potential for the synaptic current -15 mV
  1. Enter the values as shown in the table
  2. Open a RunControl and Graph -> voltage axis
  3. Run with Init & Run where Tstop = 10

simplealpha_params simplealpha

Save Me

You can save this to a file called bs_cell_alpha.ses.

Part B: Understanding HOC

We are now ready to take a look under the hood of NEURON at the code which runs the simulator. The scripting code is written in HOC (High Order Calculator) which is an interpretive language loosely resembling C code developed originally as a UNIX interpreter for calculations. It is now only found in NEURON.

As we go through the lesson, it will become clear that the GUI version of NEURON (CellBuilder, etc) is actually generating HOC code to run. As the models you create become more complex and you need to add specific distributions of ion channels or synapses or even if you are just keen to try out some of the many models available online, it is important that you know how to understand the HOC code.

Recommended structure of a HOC program:

  1. specify model topology (create sections, connect sections)
  2. specify model geometry (stylized (L, diam) or pt3d method as appropriate)
  3. specify instrumentation (IClamps, SEClamps, other Point Processes, graphs)
  4. specify simulation flow control (RunControl panel is sufficient for most purposes)

Commands in the console

A console window running the HOC interpreter is launched when nrngui is run. HOC code can be run directly in this console which can be useful. In the console window, check you see oc> (if not, just press “Enter” on the keyboard) then type:

oc> soma psection()


The output will be explained as we investigate HOC further.

STEP 1: Generate a cell template

Creating a cell type template, allows us to create one or more of the same cell type which can then be used in network models as well as allowing more complexity to be added. From our CellBuilder model, we can generate HOC code to get started.

  1. From the CellBuilder window, select Management then Cell Type
  2. Click on Classname and enter BScell
  3. Click on Save hoc code in file and provide a filename (and path) - here we are calling it bscell.hoc

We are now going to see what has been generated.

STEP 2: Understanding the HOC code

  1. Open a plain text editor of your choice (a few recommendations are on the Setup page)
  2. Open the bscell.hoc file
  3. Find the lines starting begintemplate and endtemplate at the top and bottom of the file
begintemplate BScell
endtemplate BScell


If you have not had any exposure to programming constructs, have a read of the [Help page] with the aim that you will be able to understand the code rather than having to write it.

public soma, dend
public all

Program Sequence

When the code is first loaded in the NEURON interpreter, it runs procedures which are sets of instructions.

  1. Find where the code first creates the soma and dend sections (they are empty at this point):
create soma, dend
  1. Now find the procedure (shown as proc) called init() (which stands for initialize). By default, this is the first procedure run.

    Note that comments can be added with “//” in front

proc init() {
  topol()               //Step 1
  subsets()             //Step 2
  geom()                //Step 3
  biophys()             //Step 4
  geom_nseg()           //Step 5
  synlist = new List()  //Step 6
  synapses()            //Step 7
  x = y = z = 0 // only change via position

Each procedure listed inside the {} in init() is run in sequential order.
So the first call is to topol() (topology).

  1. Look in the code to see what topol() is defined as:
proc topol() { local i
  connect dend(0), soma(1)   //Connects dendrite to soma
  basic_shape()              //Calls another procedure

So here we see that the dend is connected to the soma object.

This was where we added the soma and dendrite in the CellBuilder under the Topology tab.

Each section is indexed from 0 to 1 along it’s length so that:


Within the procedure, there is a call to another procedure: basic_shape() so it is fine to embed procedures within each other. The remaining procedures are all run in sequence until the end is reached.

STEP 3: Adding an axon section via HOC

Now if we want to add an axon, we can add this to the code rather than returning to CellBuilder.

OPTIONAL: Save a copy to bscell_orig.hoc as we will be making changes to this file.

Section Ref Length (µm) Diameter (µm) Biophysics
Axon axon 800 1 hh
  1. Declare axon as a variable - append this to the line public soma, dend
public soma, dend, axon
  1. Create the axon section
create soma, dend, axon


  1. Add axon in the topol() and basic_shape() procedures
proc topol() { local i
  connect dend(0), soma(1)
  connect axon(0), soma(0)     //Add this line

proc basic_shape() {
  //format is pt3dadd(x,y,z,diam)
  soma {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(0, 0, 0, 1) pt3dadd(20, 0, 0, 1)}
  dend {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(20, 0, 0, 1) pt3dadd(120, 0, 0, 1)}
  //Add this line
  axon {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(0, 0, 0, 1) pt3dadd(-120, 0, 0, 1)}    


It is important to refer to the soma and dendrite as sections rather than segments. A section contains one or more segments (nseg) and it is by dividing the section this way into smaller compartmental units which can provide the fine-grained detail underlying a more realistic model.

Each section has the following parameters:

Parameter Symbol Description
Length L For each section, L is the length of the entire section in microns.
Segments nseg The section is divided into nseg compartments of length L/nseg. Membrane potential will be computed at the ends of the section and the middle of each compartment.
Diameter diam The diameter in microns. Note that diam is a range variable and therefore must be respecified whenever nseg is changed.
Resistivity Ra Axial resistivity in ohm-cm.
connectivity connect Defines the parent of the section, which end of the section is attached to the parent, and where on the parent the attachment takes place .
  1. Specify the length and diam in the geom() procedure.
proc geom() {
  forsec all {  }
   soma.L = 20
   dend.L = 1000
   soma.diam = 20
   dend.diam = 5
   axon.L = 800             //Add this
   axon.diam = 1            //Add this

This was where we specified the Geometry in the CellBuilder.


  1. To specify hh in the biophys() procedure, make a copy of the soma code and call it axon.
proc biophys() {
  forsec all {
     Ra = 160
     cm = 1
   soma {
     insert hh
       gnabar_hh = 0.12
       gkbar_hh = 0.036
       gl_hh = 0.0003
       el_hh = -54.3
   dend {
     insert hh
       gnabar_hh = 0.012
       gkbar_hh = 0.0036
       gl_hh = 0.0003
       el_hh = -64
   axon {                      //Copy soma here and rename as axon
     insert hh                 
       gnabar_hh = 0.12        
       gkbar_hh = 0.036
       gl_hh = 0.0003
       el_hh = -54.3

Repeated actions with forsec

HOC provides a for loop type construct to apply repeated actions to multiple sections. Most commonly this is the forsec (for section) function for example, forsec all which can also be written as forall.

This was where we specified the Biophysics in the CellBuilder.


Sections are added to a list called a SectionList to group components together under one reference name.

  1. In the subsets() procedure add the axon to the SectionList called all
proc subsets() { local i
  objref all
  all = new SectionList()
    soma all.append()
    dend all.append()
    axon all.append()

Different possible notations which all do the same thing:

Notation Example Explanation
Space Notation axon diam = 20 separated by space
Dot Notation axon.diam = 20 separated by dot
Stack Notation axon { diam = 20 } grouped with other parameters by {}
Default access access axon sets the default section …
  diam = 20 …so it can be followed without further specifying

Save Me

You can save your changes to bscell.hoc

Hopefully, it is now apparent that the HOC code is underlying the tasks undertaken in CellBuilder.

STEP 4: Adding an AlphaSynapse via HOC

  1. Locate the procedure synapses() near the end of the file. We will enter our code within the {}
proc synapses() {}

To insert an AlphaSynapse, we create an instance of it with

objectvar syn
syn = new AlphaSynapse(x)

where x is the location on the section.

So to insert an AlphaSynapse at the distal end of the dendrite, we specify the section first and the location as 1:

objectvar syn
dend syn = new AlphaSynapse(1)

The properties are set for the syn object as per our table, similar to the parameters window in the previous lesson:

syn.onset = 0     // time to onset in ms
syn.tau	  = 0.1   // rise time constant in ms
syn.gmax  = 10    // peak conductance	in &mmicro;S (umho)
syn.e	    = -15   // reversal potential in	mV
syn.i     = 0     //	nA
  1. So now go ahead and enter the final code as follows:
objectvar syn       // this must be outside the procedure
proc synapses() {
  // add synapse to the dendrite
  dend syn = new AlphaSynapse(1) // position is end of dendrite
  syn.onset = 0     // time to onset in ms
  syn.tau	  = 0.1   // rise time constant in ms
  syn.gmax  = 10    // peak conductance	in %mmicro;S (umho)
  syn.e	    = -15   // reversal potential in	mV
  syn.i     = 0     //	nA

This should look familiar to the AlphaSynapse PointProcess window in the beginning of the lesson.

Save Me

You can save your changes to bscell.hoc

STEP 5: Running the HOC code

So now how do we get this code into NEURON?

To recap, what we have done so far is create a template for a neuron. The neuron itself will not exist until we run a command to create an object from the template. We need to create a script which loads all the required files and runs the initial code. This will be loaded into NEURON.

objectvar bs

bs = new BScell()      //create an object bs from template BScell
bs init()              //not strictly necessary but ensures it is run
  1. Create a file called bs_run.hoc which we will use to set everything up.
  2. We will need to load the NEURON libraries via nrngui.hoc
  3. Then we load our template file bscell.hoc
  4. Then we add our code above to create an instance of our template called bs

The contents of bs_run.hoc should look like:

/* bs_run.hoc for BScell

// start the GUI
// load our hoc file
// Create our cell from the template
objectvar bs

bs = new BScell()
bs init()

//Run Control
tstop = 20
dt = 0.025 //ms 40khz

(Note we have also set a couple of variables for the RunControl panel)

  1. Now relaunch NEURON (nrngui)
  2. Reset working dir with File -> recent dir
  3. Open bs_run.hoc with File -> load hoc
  4. All you should now see is a console window as shown here (any errors will show up here):


To test that our code has actually loaded we will use the console commands:

oc> bs
oc> bs.soma psection()
oc> bs.dend psection()

This should show the following output:


If it all goes well, you can see that

Alternatively, to see all sections:

oc> forall {psection()}

Viewing the model

Unfortunately, we can no longer use the CellBuilder as although there is an import function, it is fairly limited. So how do we see what we have built?

  1. From the Main menu, select Tools -> Model View
  2. Click on the line 1 real cells then BScell
  3. Further lines will continue to reveal more information.
  4. Our AlphaSynapse can be seen in both the BScell region and under Density Mechanisms


Runnning the Simulation

As previously, we will use the Run Control and Graphical windows to view our simulation.

  1. Open the File -> RunControl (you will see our parameters in the bs_run.hoc are set)
  2. Open a Graph -> Voltage Axis window
  3. Click on Init & Run -> Voila!


CONGRATULATIONS! This is no mean feat and you deserve a MEDAL!!


  1. How would you generate more than one BScell for a network?

  2. Try changing the properties of the AlphaSynapse to see the effect on the AP, for example, introduce a delay to the onset to allow for equilibration. How could these properties be changed dynamically? (Note the template hoc file must be reloaded with each change by restarting NEURON. Alternatively, if the AlphaSynapse code is moved to bs_run.hoc, it can be reloaded with xopen("bs_run.hoc"))

  3. How would you add multiple dendrites?

  4. How might you make the synapse generation more dynamic?

//Synapses proc with arguments
objectvar syn       
proc synapses() {
  dend syn = new AlphaSynapse($1) // where $1 is an argument
  syn.onset = 100     // time to onset in ms
  syn.tau	  = 0.1   // rise time constant in ms
  syn.gmax  = 10    // peak conductance	in %mmicro;S (umho)
  syn.e	    = -15   // reversal potential in	mV
  syn.i     = 0     //	nA

//The function could then be called with
//or maybe if the position was changed to 0.4


Point Process

HOC keywords

HOC syntax

Programming HOC guide







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